
Read our FAQs and Answers below


1. What's included in the 'Industry Icons V'?

Icons V will include all of the following:

Icons V: Side-A

βœ… 20 Brand New Beats from my Anno Domini Nation Team + Legion Beats

βœ…Royce Da 5'916 Bar Verse with Commercial Rights

βœ…King Lil G 16 Bar Verse with Commercial Rights

βœ…X-Raided 16 Bar Verse with Commercial Rights

βœ… 3 Additional Hooks from Award-Winning Artists

Icons V: Side-B

βœ… 20 Unreleased Beats from my Anno Domini Nation Team + Legion Beats

βœ…Cee Lo Green 16 Bar Verse with Commercial Rights

βœ…Ab Soul 16 Bar Verse with Commercial Rights

βœ… Papoose16 Bar Verse with Commercial Rights

βœ… 3 Additional Hooks from Award-Winning Artists

βœ… All 6 Artist Features recorded on Multiple Beat Variations for you to choose from!

Special Bonus

(If you grab both sides)

βœ… Rick Ross Feature

2. I can't access my Icons V downloads

There could be several reasons why you can't access your Icons V purchase:

a. Incorrect email

If you can't access the Members Area or the download sections are still locked, you might have entered an incorrect or different email either during when you made the purchase or when you created your login credentials.
If you made a purchase through Paypal, you might have to use the email associated with your Paypal account.

For either reasons, you can try recreating your account HERE with the correct email.

(Be sure to either log out of your current session or log in on a different browser or on incognito)

b. Failed Payments

This usually happens when you purchase the main pack and

also try to purchase the following offers after.

Upon adding the additional offers to your order, you

may reach the confirmation page even if the payment for your additional order has failed.
To verify this. reach out to us at [email protected] or [email protected].

c. Payment Plans/
Buy Now, Pay Later

If you purchased Icons V through the available payment plans and couldn't access your Icons V downloads, reach out to us at
[email protected] or [email protected]

3. I Purchased both Side-A & Side-B, where is my Rick Ross feature?

Congratz for getting both packs!

To claim your bonus Rick Ross feature, please send us an email to
[email protected] or [email protected]

We're getting a high volume of emails at the moment so please be patient with us as we get to your email.

We will get back to you 100%!

4. Can I get the upgrades later? (Unlimited Rights, Trackouts, WAVs,
Transfer Rights License)

Upgrades are only available for a limited time.

It could be closed right after we close the cart for Icons V, after a few weeks, or months.

We're trying to preserve the "exclusivity" of the pack so we will not make the access to Icons V available forever.

While you still have time, go get your upgrades asap HERE

Get Your:

Unlimited Rights



Transfer Rights

(If you want to put the features on any beat of your choice)

5. How do I get the bonus NFC Card?

If you're 1 of the first 40 buyers of Industry Icons V, then you're IN for a treat! 🎁

However, you have to make sure to submit us your mailing address right HERE

Note that if you fail to submit your mailing address before December 10, 2023, your NFC card will be given to the next person on the list who submitted theirs.

Also, even if you're not in the first 40 buyers, we highly encourage you to submit your mailing address because we send out random gifts to our artists from time to time 🎁

Submit us your mailing address right


6. Will I have problems releasing songs with these Beats and Features?

You will definitely be able to release your songs and profit from them πŸ’°, but there are two important things to bare in mind:

Firstly, all distribution platforms have their own rules about what they will or won't accept, and often that just comes down to the whims of the individual support agent tasked with releasing your music.

Of course we cannot guarantee you that every single distribution platform out there will for sure release your music. If you think about it, an independent artist with little track record in the industry, suddenly collaborating with a massive major artist, that could be suspicious. However, you will have a legal contract that you can show the platforms, and as long as you correctly label your song (with the major artist as the FEATURED artist, not the main artist) you will mostly be fine.

Also, we strongly suggest you go through our network of preferred distribution companies to release your music, such as Distrokid & Revel Distro.


We have only recently partnered up with Distrokid to cater Icons V releases and some Distrokid agents may not still be aware of our agreement.

If you've been asked to provide more documentation - such as a DM from the featured artists, a separate signed document with the featured artists, or even a video, simply send them a signed copy of the PDF License agreement we gave you.

Secondly, you may get automated copyright matches when you upload your music on sites like YouTube. This is just the way their content algorithm works, it is NOT the same as a copyright strike where your song is taken down or your channel locked. It just means you temporarily cannot monetize your video with advertising. However, you will be able to click the "Dispute" button on any copyright matches you receive, select the option that you have a valid license for the beats and features, and if necessary upload your contract. Your claims will then be cleared and you're good to go!

Simple, right?

7. Are these features exclusive?

These features are brand new & exclusively recorded for the Icons V.

Meaning, you won't find these features anywhere else!

We're aware of other producers who are also launching Beats & Features Packs but ALL of the features in the 'Icons V' are exclusive only to Icons V Pack and can only be licensed by us - Anno Domini Nation & Legion Beats.

8. How do I make the most of the offers in Industry Icons V?

a. On top of getting the 3 features you get with the pack you selected (Side-A or Side-B), you can get a bonus feature for getting both packs!

So not only do you get 6 major artist features, you also get an extra bonus feature from
Rick Ross.
If you want to get the other side of the pack you haven't bought yet, you can go right HERE and grab both packs including the Rick Ross feature.

b. Did you know that you get 1 more bonus feature?

Not only can you get 1 more bonus feature for free, you can also choose which feature you want to get from our archives!

There are 20+ features you can choose from including Dizzy Wright, Canibus, Eto, Sean Kingston, Rittz, & more!

You can get this hidden bonus feature by getting the Platinum Bundle 2024 available in the Upgrade Page.

c. Watch out for our follow up emails after you purchase Icons V, we will send you more info & tips on how you can make the most of your Icons V Beats & Features & how to get more opportunities from Anno Domini Nation & Legion Beats.

9. Anything else I should know?

As you know, we're a big believer in collaborations with major names for independent artists to get ahead. Nothing else lends credibility to your music quite like a big-name feature.

Not to mention you can leverage their massive fanbases for yourself, and grow your following exponentially. Last I checked Rick Ross alone has over 18 Million Instagram followers and 12.5M monthly Spotify listeners. Can you imagine what that could do for you and your career? Would it be easier to book shows? Approach labels?

Get sponsorship? It's a genuinely massive opportunity so I really hope you can capitalize on it! We're over here doing everything we can to make big things happen for ya, but now the ball is in your court. πŸ™‚

We'd love to connect with you more personally so follow us and send us a message on IG @legionbeats &

send us your best tracks!

Let's goooo πŸ”₯

- Anno Domini x Legion Beats

For other questions and concerns, please email us at
[email protected] or [email protected]

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Copyright 2023 - Anno Domini Nation LLC & Legion Beats LLC, All Rights Reserved